Advanced Course

About the Advanced course

The Advanced Course in Amichien Bonding naturally follows on from the 2 day Foundation Course and further explores the contents of the Foundation Course, but in much more detail, looking at the canine world as whole rather than just from an owner’s perspective.

The course is also essential if the delegate wishes to be considered for a career as a Jan Fennell Approved Dog Listener. Jan is the only person to offer this course.

The careful design of this course makes it possible for the delegate to progress naturally and with empathy to an in depth understanding of Amichien Bonding and its application with common behavioural problems.

We also look at the difficulties experienced by dog carers, from breaking with old thinking to actually working with their dogs in a confident manner and to achieve this we will also look at human psychology.

There is an exam at the end of the course but this only needs to be completed if the student is considering helping other dog owners by becoming a Dog Listener. 

Upcoming Course Dates

7th-9th October 2024

Total Three-Day Course price only £749.00, with a deposit of £200.00 payable at time of booking.

What we will learn

We examine the psychology, behaviour patterns, instincts and values of the domestic dog. We show how, with this understanding, we are able to change undesirable behaviour the kind way. There will be comprehensive analysis of the core method that is ‘Amichien® Bonding’: with examples of common problems and in-depth discussions on kind correction, examination of situations, behaviours and correction of undesirable behaviour.

This course is highly beneficial, not only to those who experience problems with their dogs, but for ALL dog owners and people who work with dogs. On the completion of the course trainees will receive a certificate, and above all the ability to appreciate ‘man’s best friend’ in an entirely different light.

To book a place on an Advanced Course, simply send us an email at, inserting ‘Advanced Course Booking’ into the subject box, and your choice of first and second dates and we’ll send you a booking form and further information by return.

Total Three Day Course price only  £749.00 with a deposit of £200 payable at time of booking.


For those that wish to go further

Only for those delegates considering a career in Dog Listening, there will be a written examination at the end of the course. The exam will be based entirely on the information contained in the recommended reading of ‘The Dog Listener’ (or the watching of the DVD of that title), combined with the information provided in both the two and three day courses. 

As our organisation works to a high ‘Quality Control’ system it is essential, for the success of both the organisation and the candidate that we ascertain the level of an individual’s basic understanding of the process ‘Amichien® Bonding’ and exam papers will be marked and scored accordingly.

Success at this stage will result in an invitation from this organisation to take part in the ‘Graduate’ stage of the process of becoming a ‘Jan Fennell International Dog Listener’, which will result in access to the entire Dog Listening Team, which provides all members with on-going support, learning, referrals and a place on the register of JFIDL’s worldwide group.

Enquire About A Course Here