Amichien Bonding -Learn "AB" at Home

The -Learn Amichien Bonding at Home course-Discover how to understand, and work successfully with, your dog


  • Does your dog suffer with Separation Anxiety?
  • Do you dread taking your dog for a walk?
  • Is excessive barking wrecking your relationship?
  • Is your dog “aggressive”?

None of these problems should destroy, what should be, a wonderful relationship with your dog! Unfortunately, this is often the case for many owners and the inability to deal with these issues is usually the result of focusing on treating specific symptoms and not the root causes.

If, for any reason, you cannot attend our Foundation Course, we have designed this course to give you a good grounding in Amichien® Bonding and show you how to see things from your dog’s perspective; why it behaves in the way it does and how you can set about resolving the problems- in a way your dog can understand without gadgets, gimmicks, devices or enforced dominance.

The “Learn AB at Home” course shows you how to put in place daily practices that influence your relationship with your dog and remove the stress and worry caused by misunderstanding and stress that can take all the joy out of living with a dog!

How does it work?

The course is split into six modules which will show you the core elements of Amichien Bonding®:

  • What Amichien® Bonding is why it’s different and why it works.
  • Status-What it means to your dog and how to ensure that everyone understands and accepts their place in the family.
  • Food- How to use food to demonstrate your abilities as a leader without “aggressive” food control techniques.
  • Hunt-Understand how your dog perceives “the walk” and learn how to make it a happy, relaxed and enjoyable experience.
  • Perceived Danger- What your dog is trying to tell you with constant barking and how you change its reactions to what it perceives as danger.
  • Popular Canine Myths- Let’s debunk some of those long-standing myths that just continually get in the way of a good relationship with your dog.

The course is delivered in the PDF file format, for download to your device.

At the end of each module, there are self-assessment questions. If you cannot answer these, simply go back and reread the module as you may have missed some of the information there.

How much does it cost?

All Course information and modules are £59.99 in total.

What will I learn from the “Learn AB at Home” course?

Once you have completed this Workshop, you will have a better understanding of what your dog needs for a happy, stress free life and how to get your dog to cooperate with you, of its own free will.

For those whose interest in Amichien® Bonding is sparked by this workshop and who choose to go on to further extend their knowledge by attending one of our courses, the cost of this workshop will be deducted from the fee for that course!


How We Can Help.
We receive hundreds of emails each month from owners experiencing behavioural issues with their dogs and they are understandably desperate for solutions. While we try to assist wherever we can, we simply do not have the necessary resources to assist everyone individually and no response via email could possibly be detailed enough to effectively address many of these issues. This course is our solution, to enable us to reach all those owners who require help and also those that:
May not be able to attend our Courses or need the extensive, in-depth tuition given there.
Have no desire to pursue a career as a Dog Listener.
Are experiencing difficulties but may not be able to afford a consultation with a Dog Listener.


This work is for the private use of the purchaser. Copyright© Jan Fennell 2012. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, redistributed or transmitted/circulated in any form, by any means, without prior written permission of the author.
