Is It Time to Stop Blaming Our Dogs For Our Own Mistakes?

If we learn to with a dog’s natural instincts and drives, learn what information and reactions they require from us, we will only succeed in getting the behaviour we want, but first we have to we have to stop blaming them whenever anything goes wrong, or their behaviour is far from what we had hoped.

Whether we feel the problem lies with them because of their breed, their age, or because it is a “rescue” whether out of malice or compassion, blaming the dog will only block us from ever helping our dogs to cope in our human ‘crazy’ world.

I say crazy, because it has become a world where, when anything goes wrong, people look to find something or someone else to blame and the fact is that this thinking only renders us unable to learn grow and succeed.

I know that had I found ways to blame others when things went wrong, I would never have achieved all that I have in my life. I could never have discovered my ‘Amichien Bonding’

It is only when we look to the part that we played in even the slightest event that goes ‘wrong’ in our lives that we learn, because when we look to blame, we will keep making the same mistakes and expect a different outcome, which is the definition of insanity.

For me, when things go wrong, I see this as feedback on my own actions, the consequence of my choices, and I avoid making the same mistakes again.

With the common practice of ‘guilt shifting’ now rife in our world what we soon realise is that the instances of dog behaviour becoming more extreme and widespread, are generally the fault of the dogs’ owners rather than the dogs. Unfortunately, they fail to step back and reevaluate their own responses, and reactions to whatever their dogs are doing.

If people fail to take the time to think about their own behaviour with their dogs, and their own responses, our world will certainly get much worse for domestic dogs.

Finding our how a dog actually perceives the world we have forced it to live in will go a long way to alleviating this problem, and give owners the desired behaviour they are looking for.


Jan Fennell

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