We took on a rehoming dog that we discovered had had no training whatsoever, had not been walked ever (he was 3 when we got him), and so many behavioural problems we were having no end of visits from the dog warden. We had got other dog ‘behaviourists’ whose techniques were shock and aggressive and didn’t work. I felt cruel using them. I then say Jan’s book and read it on holiday. It was a complete light bulb x hallelujah moment. We instantly started implementing the techniques and suddenly this hyperactive and nervous aggressive dog calmed completely down. He walked pretty much to heel, sat for his lead to be put on, etc. We only had 2 issues left when he died at 13. He was still territorial but much better than before and he hated being alone so we got another dog. They accepted each other and we were pack. I think if we hadn’t of read Jan’s book we would have been forced to have put him down but instead had a loyal and loving dog. Tanya

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